Tanya Ces Maneiro offers career coaching and work-life balance coaching in MaidenheadHi, I’m Tanya Ces Maneiro.  I’m a Maidenhead mum of one and have my own Career Coaching Company, Vida Coaching.  This is the story of my career so far…

Does anyone love their job?

In the past, I never really loved my job, not really.  At times I liked it, maybe even really liked it for a while, but I never got that, ‘This is brilliant, half the time this doesn’t even feel like work’ feeling that I had heard about and thought was some kind of myth.  It has to be a myth, right?

I worked in HR and Training because I really wanted to help people, but something was missing, something didn’t feel ‘right’.  Rather than spending some time and money trying to understand what was wrong with my career, I would go on lovely holidays to ‘forget about work’.

Unfortunately, when I returned one or two weeks later, nothing had changed.  This continued….for ten years.

Then she came along and changed everything

The cycle was broken when I had my daughter, Evie.  I was in the fortunate position of not having to rush back to work and I grabbed the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mum with both hands.

When Evie was about two years old, I started to look at job ads for HR positions, but always made an excuse as to why the role wasn’t right.  I knew why really.  It wasn’t the role, it was the career, and now was the time to do something about it.

Vida Coaching

Why now?  Because it took me three and a half years to become a mum and if I was going to be spending less time with Evie, it wasn’t going to be for some mediocre role where I was praying for the weekend to arrive.  I was going to find a career that made me happy, which would obviously benefit me, but also my family – after all, who wants a grumpy mummy?  So, Evie made me reassess my life and want to prove that ‘that feeling’ wasn’t a myth, that work could be brilliant and not feel like work, that I could love what I do.

Taking the plunge

With that in mind, I decided to invest in seeing a Career Coach, someone who would ask me the ‘right’ questions and provide me with impartial support so that I could explore my career alternatives.

I found the whole experience extremely beneficial, but my real ‘light bulb’ moment came when I completed an exercise to identify my key career drivers.  I was surprised to discover that autonomy was at the top of the list.  I really hadn’t expected this, but the more I thought about it, the more I realised how important autonomy in my career was to me.  Once I had had that realisation, something in me shifted.  The idea of setting up my own company, an idea which had once seemed so scary and unrealistic, became a real possibility.  After all, if I needed autonomy to be truly happy in my career then surely I could make it work?

But what would my company do?  Well, what I had also come to realise was that my previous roles, working in HR and Training, had not allowed me to help people as much as I wanted to. HR is really about achieving the company’s aims through their people whereas I wanted to be helping the individual.  However, something didn’t feel right about completely disregarding the skills and experience I had gained working in HR and Training.  Thus, after some research and discussion, I decided to become a Career Coach and offer a CV and Interviewing Consultancy Service so that I could pass on some of the knowledge I had gained whilst working in HR.

Setting up on my own

So, having discovered what was missing from my old career, and feeling confident that I had made an informed decision about my future, I retrained and gained my coaching qualifications.

Then, in 2015, I set up my Career Coaching business, √ida Coaching.  It’s been a steep learning curve because when you have your own business you have to do everything, which includes marketing, sales, finance and all the admin too. However, I wouldn’t want it any other way.  Every day is different and exciting.  One day I may be coaching and the next attending a networking event.  Recently I was even on Marlow FM 97.5 talking about Career Coaching which was nerve-wracking but so much fun.

I love my job

So, finally, I can say I love my job.  I do feel it’s brilliant and half the time it doesn’t feel like work.  I feel so lucky to have the autonomy I subconsciously craved – a job which allows me to work around looking after my gorgeous girl, Evie.  Then there’s what I do.  As a Career Coach, I help people to discover their true potential:

⦁    I help mums who have had a career break gain the confidence to move back into the world of work
⦁    I help business men and women achieve a better work-life balance and
⦁    I help people reaching the end of their career prepare for the next chapter in their lives

I see these men and women achieve their goals and go on to lead much more fulfilling lives as a result.  To me, there’s nothing more satisfying than that.

Want to find out more?

If you’re intrigued by the idea of career coaching or wondering where to start, why not give me a call or email? Contact me to book a free, no obligation 30 minute consultation where we can talk through what you’d like to do and I can advise you on how I can help.