working too hard

Do you feel drained and exhausted after a day at work?

Are you finding it hard to motivate yourself to do things you once used to enjoy?

Are you beginning to feel all you do in your life is work, eat, sleep, repeat?

If any or all of these things sound familiar, you’re not alone. Chances are, you’re working too hard!

Overworking is now more prevalent than ever before

The COVID-19 pandemic has blurred the line between work and personal time, with many people still working remotely from home. In addition, the advancement of tools such as email, messaging apps and video conferencing has enabled immediate communication, creating an expectation for instant responses and round-the-clock availability.

While working hard is a brilliant way to climb the career ladder and get ahead, overdoing it could negatively affect your job, personal life, and overall health and well-being.

So, if you want to prevent burnout, read on.

In this blog, I’ve listed 5 signs that indicate you may be working too hard, and provided tips to help you improve your current situation.

Sign #1: You’re less productive

One of the most significant signs of overworking is a decline in productivity. When you work excessively long hours without enough rest, your efficiency and output often suffer. This decrease in productivity can lead to mistakes and a lower quality of work, which is detrimental to your professional growth.

Tip: If you notice your productivity dropping, don’t try to work even longer hours to catch up. This will only perpetuate a vicious cycle of overworking. Instead, a simple way to help you get back on track is to take a break. Recharge your batteries and return to work with a new and improved mindset.

Sign # 2: Your relationships and social life are suffering

Overworking can really put a strain on your personal relationships and your social life. When you’re putting in long hours at work, you’ve less quality time to spend with family and friends. And even if you do find the time, stress and exhaustion from work can make you irritable, potentially leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.

Tip: To keep your relationships with your loved ones healthy, try scheduling a fun activity once a week. It will give you all something to look forward to, and you’ll have to stop working to take part. Win-win!

working too hard

Sign #3: Your body’s reacting

When your body starts showing signs of overworking, whether constant fatigue, increased stress, trouble sleeping, changes in appetite, or physical ailments such as headaches and digestive issues, it’s time to listen and pay attention. These symptoms indicate that you need to take a step back and give yourself a break.

Tip: Consider how you can alleviate your excessive workload, including setting better boundaries, delegating some of your tasks and making time for self-care. If you’re still struggling and can’t find a solution, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are always ways to make things better.

Sign #4: You’re constantly tired and in a bad mood

If you constantly feel tired and irritable (even after a full night’s sleep), it could be a sign you’re overworking.

Tip: To tackle this, prioritise rest and relaxation, and ensure you get enough sleep each night. A consistent nighttime routine can significantly improve your sleep quality. Dimming the lights, taking a warm bath, reading a book and avoiding screens are all ways you can signal to your body that it’s time to relax.

Sign #5: You can’t switch off

If you find it challenging to disconnect from work and constantly feel the need to check emails or respond to messages while you’re watching TV, it might be time to reassess your work-life balance.

Tip: Set yourself some boundaries to help you separate work and personal time. Designate specific periods throughout the day for checking and responding to emails, and try your best to avoid doing so outside of those designated times. Additionally, create a ritual or activity to signal the end of the workday. This could be
something as simple as shutting down your computer or going for a walk.

Would you like some support to improve your work-life balance or to find a new job?

If you’re struggling with maintaining a healthy work-life balance or considering a career change, let’s have a chat. We can discuss how we can work together to address these issues. You can book your free virtual coffee and chat here.

It would also be great to connect with you on Facebook and LinkedIn!