
Career change at 50

Career change at 50

The prospect of changing careers at 50 might stir up equal parts excitement and anxiety. But it really is never too late to pursue a career that truly lights you up. This topic hits close to home right now as I’ve recently turned 50 myself! So, I thought it would be...

5 signs you’re working too hard and how to stop

5 signs you’re working too hard and how to stop

Do you feel drained and exhausted after a day at work? Are you finding it hard to motivate yourself to do things you once used to enjoy? Are you beginning to feel all you do in your life is work, eat, sleep, repeat? If any or all of these things sound familiar, you're...

How to avoid being ghosted in your job search

How to avoid being ghosted in your job search

Imagine this: You apply for your dream job, make it to the interview stage, and feel enthusiastic about your prospects. But suddenly, all communication from the potential employer comes to an abrupt and unexpected halt. You’ve been “ghosted.” If you've ever felt like...

How looking after employee wellbeing can benefit your company

How looking after employee wellbeing can benefit your company

A company’s greatest asset is its people! Your employees bring to the table a wealth of knowledge, expertise, experience, and relationships (with suppliers and customers) that are invaluable to your organisation and hard to replace. In my previous blog, I highlighted...

Why investing in career development is essential for your company

Why investing in career development is essential for your company

Career development may sound like a huge and frankly daunting concept… especially if you’re a small business owner. Although it’s tempting to dismiss career development as a luxury that only those larger organisations can afford (after all, they have their Learning...

The benefits of apprenticeships

The benefits of apprenticeships

January is the ideal time for taking your end-of-year reflections and turning them into action plans! Whether you’re exploring end-of-school or college options, supporting someone who is, or looking for a career change this year, I thought it would be helpful to look...

All I want for Christmas is… a new job!

All I want for Christmas is… a new job!

As another year draws to a close, you may be busy reflecting on 2023 and deciding it’s time for your next significant role. Or it’s time to finally make the big career change you’ve been dreaming about. But if you keep convincing yourself that now isn’t the smart time...

How Businesses can retain new employees

How Businesses can retain new employees

Gone are the days of a job for life! On average, we have 3-7 careers in a lifetime, and it’s predicted this will rise for the upcoming generation of workers. Some staff turnover is therefore inevitable, but that doesn’t mean you should just accept it as the status...

How to be successful in your new job

How to be successful in your new job

Starting a new job can stir up various emotions, from excitement to anxiety and feelings of overwhelm. You may also have lots of questions swirling around your head, such as: Will I fit into the team and organisation? Have I made the right move? Will people like me?...

7 key ways to prepare for your next job interview

7 key ways to prepare for your next job interview

When it comes to job interviews, preparation is vital! So, if you want to give yourself the best possible chance of landing your dream role, it’s time to get organised. In this blog, I’ve outlined seven top tips to help you stand out and shine in your interview. Let’s...