get promoted

So, you’ve been in your current role for a while now, and you know you’ve got the motivation, passion, skills and experience to take on more responsibility and move up the corporate ladder.

But do you wait it out until your talents are recognised, or are there practical steps you can take to secure that desired promotion?

The answer is yes, absolutely!

In this blog, I’d like to walk you through my 7 top tips to get promoted at work, including the right time to broach the subject and how to keep yourself motivated.

1. Notice how promotions work in YOUR company

If you want to advance in your current company, notice how promotions work within it.

Find people who’ve been promoted recently. Reflect on the positive habits they adopt, the personality traits they exude and the accomplishments they had before securing their next big role.

Maybe even talk to them to glean valuable hints and tips and hear their experiences first-hand.

2. Express your interest in furthering your career

Don’t just sit back and wait for your manager to notice your hard work and successes. Instead, ask your line manager what it will take to secure a promotion. This recognises that you’re not demanding one whilst still showing you’re hungry for success and prepared to put in the work to achieve one.

As part of the dialogue with your supervisor, present your case as to why you think you’re the right fit for a promotion. Be careful you don’t start comparing yourself to others though. Instead, be confident in your own attributes and show this is about you. And only YOU!

  • Clearly outline your skills, experiences, and attributes.
  • List your recent successes and participation in successful projects.
  • Show how you’re continually developing yourself.

Also, ask how your supervisor thinks you can improve your chances of promotion and create an action plan of tangible steps you can take in the short to medium term.

3. Get noticed 

Supporting your line manager and making their job easier is one of the best ways to show how dependable and capable you are! Every leader needs people around them to support them and work hard towards common goals.

Get noticed in meetings by contributing valuable input. This means being intentional when you speak (rather than speaking for the sake of it) and looking for ways to showcase your skills and experience.

Look out for opportunities to be involved in multi-department projects, or volunteer to be involved in things outside your core responsibilities to show enthusiasm and determination.

get promoted

4. Work on your leadership skills

Look at the skills required to be an effective leader and identify gaps in your current skill set.

You can then draw up an action plan to discuss with your line manager. Again, this demonstrates initiative and shows you’re hungry to succeed.

Skills you may want to work on and demonstrate to your line manager include:

How to communicate effectively with different groups of people.

  • Active listening.
  • Fostering your relationships throughout the organisation. Promotion often involves buy-in from multiple people. But don’t fall into the trap of sucking up to people to get what you want. Be genuine!
  • Positive thinking and creating a calm, harmonious atmosphere.
  • Developing resilience and working on your work-life balance. Promotions usually involve more responsibility and potential stress!
  • Strategic thinking and seeing the ‘big’ picture.

Knowing when, and when isn’t, the right time to talk to your manager about a promotion is an excellent example of leadership potential. For instance, if your company has just completed a round of redundancies, it’s probably not a great time to bring it up!

5. Look for ways to solve problems

Are there ways to improve health and safety in your workplace, improve productivity or resource utilisation, reduce waste or improve the bottom line?

This is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to the organisation and show off skills such as continuous improvement, innovative thinking and making yourself indispensable!

6. Demonstrate your professionalism

Don’t forget the basics like dressing smartly, being punctual for meetings (even if it’s just a casual internal chat) and striving to encompass your company’s values in everything you do>

When it comes to being promoted, it’s tempting to reflect inwards and become a little selfish. However, recognising other people’s contributions and championing them demonstrates strong leadership skills and shows you can motivate and manage a successful team.

7. Keep yourself motivated

Don’t get frustrated! Promotion CAN take a long time.

But having regular conversations with your line manager and creating an action plan can help you to feel a little more in control of the journey to your destination… a role with more responsibility and a higher salary.

Are you looking to get promoted?

If you’re hoping to progress in your current career but need a helping hand to make this happen, let’s have a virtual coffee and a chat.

It would also be great to connect with you on LinkedIn and Facebook!